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1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一项是( )(4分)

A.冗杂 (rǒng) 外壳( qiào) 浩瀚( hàn) 不折不挠( náo)

B.纤夫 (qiàn) 钹声(bó) 考订( dìng) 小心谨慎(jǐn)

C.宏敞 (hóng) 窠臼(kē) 擅长( shàn) 不能自己(jǐ)

D.翰林 (hàn) 婆娑(shuō) 暴晒( bào) 为富不仁(rén)

2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )(4分)

A.斟酌 制高点 重峦叠嶂 艰苦朴素

B.暴涨 乌托邦 流光溢彩 沤心沥血

C.蔓延 同盟会 锐不可当 神态安祥

D.篡改 百里奚 屏息敛声 不可思意

3.下列句子中加点成语使用恰当的一项是( )(4分)





4.下列句子没有语病的一句是( )(4分)










5.下列句中加点词意义不同的一项是( )

A. 公问其故 扶苏以数谏故

B. 宜多应者 宜乎众矣

C. 陈胜、吴广乃谋曰 聚室而谋

D. 或以为亡 国恒亡

6.下面句中的“以”的用法与例句相同的一项是( )


A. 诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德

B. 衣食所安,弗敢专也,必以分人

C. 不以物喜,不以己悲

D. 醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也

7.下列对文章的分析理解,不正确的一项是( )


B. 陈胜年轻时就有远大的抱负。他所说的“鸿鹄之志”,结合当时的政治背景来看,就是要反抗秦王朝的暴虐统治,摆脱受压迫、受奴役的地位。 








贾 人 浮 吕 梁 而 下 舟 薄 于 石 又 覆










11. 本诗前两句描绘了春日嘉兴城外春风和畅、_________________、_________________的景象。(用四字短语作答)(4分)



(1)_____________________ ,何人不起故园情。






(7)王安石的《登飞来峰》表明诗人对前途充满信心的豪情和锐意进行变法改革时的抱负的诗句: “___________________________,___________________________。”





15. 下面是打乱的三副对联,请你用学过的对联知识将对联正确搭配出来。(只填序号)(3分)

A.东风吹出千山绿 B.四面荷花三面柳 C.九天日月开新运

D.万里笙歌乐太平 E.春雨洒来万象新 F.一城山色半城湖





























20.品味语言,回答下面的问题。(6 分)



(2)从修辞的角度,赏析文中第⑩段画线的句子。(3 分)


21.文中的母亲是一个怎样的人?用简要的语言加以概括。(5 分)




有时候,一个美好的约定,会让家庭更加温馨幸福;一份厚重的约定,会让集体更加团结上进; 一种无私的约定,会让社会更加和谐美好……

请以“约定”为题目 ,写一篇文章。




④不少于 600 字(如写作诗歌不要少于 20 行)。


第I卷(选择题 共48分)


1.在四个数中,最小的数是( )

A.3 B.0 C. D.

2.下图中几何体的主视图是( )

A. B. C. D.

3.2020年1月开始,新型冠状病毒在中国蔓延肆虐,武汉封城,湖北告急。全国人民在抗击疫情的过程中,发扬优良传统,团结一心,众志成城,涌现出了很多可歌可泣的典型事例。特别是全国的医护人员在这场无硝烟的战争中做了战斗主力军,被称为“最美白衣战士”,“最美逆行者”。自疫情以来,全国31个医疗队共计42600多人,驰援武汉,共抗疫情。42600用科学记数法可表示为( )

A. B. C. D.

4.如图,为直线上的两点,且,则与的度数之和为( )

A. B.

C. D.

5.下列图案既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )

A. B. C. D.

6.下列运算正确的是( )

A. B.

C. D.

7.某企业1-5月份利润的变化情况如图所示,以下说法与图中反映的信息相符的是( )





8.关于的不等式组恰好只有4个整数解,则的取值范围为( )

A. B. C. D.

9.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,菱形的顶点在坐标原点,边在轴的负半轴上,顶点的坐标为,反比例函数的图象与菱形对角线交于点,连接,当轴时,的值是( )

A. B.

C. D.

10.济南移动为了提升新型冠状肺炎“停课不停学”期间某片区网络信号,保证广大师生网络授课,听课的质量,临时在坡度为的山坡上加装了信号塔(如图所示),信号塔底端到坡底的距离为3.9米.同时为了提醒市民,在距离斜坡底点4.4米的水平面上立了一块警示牌当太阳光线与水平线成53°角时,测得信号塔落在警示牌上的影子长为3米,则信号塔的高约为( )(结果精确到十分位,参考数据:)

A.10.4 B.11.9

C.11.4 D.13.4

11.如图,将矩形绕点逆时针旋转90°至矩形,点的旋转路径为弧,若,则阴影部分的面积为( )

A. B.

C. D.

12.如图,已知将抛物线沿轴向上翻折与所得抛物线围成一个封闭区域(包括边界),在这个区域内有5个整点(点满足横,纵坐标都为整数,则把点叫做“整点”).现将抛物线沿轴向下翻折,所得抛物线与原抛物线所围成的封闭区域内(包括边界)恰有11个整点,则的取值范围是( )

A. B.

C. D.

第II卷(非选择题 共102分)
































①; ②; ③; ④















.读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)

21. Could you please tell me where I can ________ /pa:k/my car?

A. pack B. park C. pick D. pass

22. True friends ________ / riːtʃ / for your hand and touch your heart.

A. reach B. read C. raise D. refuse

23. This restaurant in Quancheng Square has a ________ / hju:dʒ / screen on the wall.

A. hold B. hurt C. hide D. huge

24. My biggest challenge is learning how to ________ / bɪˈheɪv / at the dinner table.

A. better B. believe C. behave D. beside

25. Working as volunteers is a great ________/ ɪkˈspɪəriəns / for the young students.

A. exception B. expression C. experiment D. experience

Ⅲ.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(20分)

26.-Do you have _________ email address?

-Yes, I have one.

A. the B. an C. a D./

27. -Tom, are these books yours?

-No._____________ aren't. The books are Lily's

A. them B. they C. their D. theirs

28. -Fruits are good for health. Would you like some more____________ , Jack? -OK. Mum.

A. milk B. strawberries C. eggs D. noodles

29. -Hurry up, Tom, ____________ we'll be late for the movie.

-OK, I will.

A. But B. Or C. And D. So

30. The "teacher-free exam' means that students take their exams__________ teachers. Students must

be responsible for their behaviors.

A. without B. with C. through D. by

31.—Thanks for helping me when I am in trouble.

- _______! We are good friends, aren't we?

A. Never mind B. With pleasure C. My pleasure D. That sounds good

32. -Tomorrow is our father's birthday. Let's do something for our dad.

-Good idea. We should always ___________ father's love for us.

A. explain B. suppose C. wonder D. value

33. .-Whose blue bike is this?

-I don't know. but it__________ be Mary's. Her favorite color is red.

A. can't B. mustn't C. can D. must

34.-I bought forty-one postcards for my classmates yesterday. Sue.

-There are totally fifty students in your class. You'd better get __________ more postcards.

A. nine B. ninth C. eight D. eighth

35. -Can you tell the difference between the two pictures?

-Difference? Oh. no. they look quite ____________

A. similar B. different C. strange D interesting

36. What kind of public transportation will make people in Jinan feel more and more convenient in

the future?

37 . —Don 't compare yourself with __________ else. Just be yourself!

-You do seem to have a point.

A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody

38. How about going for a picnic at Yellow River Forest Park next weekend?'

-Wow. it ___________ like a great idea! You really know what I want

A. smells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes

39. -__________ the test paper carefully before you hand in it.

-OK. Mr. Wang.

A. Check B. Checks C. Checking D. To check

40.-How is Lucy's English?

-She always does very well in her English exams. But she can _______ understand English films.

A. always B. hardly C. easily D. already

41. Don't ______ till tomorrow what should be done today.

A. put down B. put off C. put out D. put up

42. A lot of students in this University __________ abroad as exchange students last year.

A. was studied B. send C. were sent D. study

43.-Have you heard that Mr. Zhang saved his neighbor from a big fire last night?

-Yes._________ brave the young man is!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

44.-How long have Linda and Alan__________

-For two months.

A. joined the club B. got to Jinan C. been married D. bought the new house

45-Excuse me, do you know __________.

-Sure. It means "Artificial Intelligence".

A how to look up a new word like "AI" B. how can I look up a new word like "AI"

C. what "AI' means D. what does "AI" mean

IV.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空


Long time ago, there was a contented king called Claudio, who never seemed to be sad and upset. All the people that ever met him thought everything was in his world. No one knew the reason of the king's happiness was from his evening . Every night, the chef prepared king's favorite food-pizza for him.

A musician tried to please the king. Since he failed to do so with his playing, he tried way. He said, "My daughter can turn animals into clothing." The king didn't respond.

The musician continued, "She can change into diamond."

"Now, that is the best to my ears. I shall see this girl's for myself tomorrow!" Immediately, King Claudio asked his servants to every tree in the country.

Early the next morning, the King told the girl, " by tomorrow morning you have not changed wood into diamond, you shall die."

On the third day, the king saw the diamond in surprise. Greed (贪婪) in his heart. "This girl can do everything!" he thought. So he asked people to gather all the water and let the girl turn the water into silver.

At daybreak of the fourth day, the king got lots of silver. He then ordered his servants to get all the wheat. "If you can change this wheat into gold," he the girl, "I shall set you free."

Sure enough, the girl made it for the third time. Then she ran away as as she could, wondering what would happen later.

On the evening of that day, King Claudio could hardly wait for his dinner. Instead, the chef said, "I'm . Your Highness. But you used up all the trees that I needed for the oven fire. You used up all the water and wheat that I needed to the pizza. There can be no more pizza!"

King Claudio, in spite of his gold, silver, and diamond, did not a smile on his face ever after.

46. A. terrible

B. nice

C. ugly

D. down

47. A. sleep

B. money

C. drink

D. meal

48. A. other

B. else

C. another

D. each

49. A. wood

B. stone

C. water

D. air

50. A. gift

B. smell

C. food

D. music

51. A. talents

B. thoughts

C. plans

D. actions

52. A. turn

B. cut

C. fall

D. close

53. A. But

B. If

C. Unless

D. As

54. A. found

B. felt

C. drove

D. rose

55. A. promised

B. reminded

C. educated

D. expected

56. A. aloud

B. easily

C. fast

D. slowly

57. A. cake

B. pizza

C. meat

D. noodle

58. A. careful

B. happy

C. sorry

D. quick

59. A. make

B. eat

C. find

D. grow

60. A. paint

B. hang

C. bring

D. wear

V.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

A. Welcome to our radio game show. Hello, this is DJ Maimai. Nice to meet you'

B. Hello, Mr. DI. Nice to meet you. too. I'm so lucky that I can call up'

A. Yeah. Now let's get it started._______61________

B: Yes. I'm ready. Let's go!

A: OK. now listen carefully.______62________-

B. Because people there are so friendly. food there is so delicious and scenery there is so beautiful.

A: Quite good. Now, next question. ______63_____

B: I love classical music very much. And T can play the piano well in my spare time.

A: Well done! Next question will be a little harder Which person below is a master pianist? A, Jack.

Chan. B. Yao Ming. C. Mo Yan. D. Maksim Mrvica.

B. ___64______ I've listened to his music pieces since I was a kid.

A: Wow. amazing! One more question, ________65_______

B: Yes. Croatian Rhapsody(克罗地亚狂想曲) Kolibre, Exodus and The Flight of the Bumble-Bee.

A: Unbelievable! You are the winner today! You just won two VIP tickets for Maksim Mrvica's

concert on June 6th. Congratulations! Thank you for calling.

B: Oh., I can't believe it! Thank you, Mr. DJ!

61. A. It doesn't matter. B. No problem.

C. I'm glad to be here. D. Are you ready?

62. A. Can you tell us why people like Jinan?

B. Can you tell us how to travel there?

C. Can you imagine the life there?

D. Can you tell us where you worked?

63. A. Do you like music?

B. Did you get used to the life there?

C. Do you like classical music or pop music?

D. What do you think of Africa'

64. A. I think B. Yao Ming, is the correct answer. B. I choose A. Jacky Chan.

C. I guess C,Mo Yan. D. The answer is D. Maksim Mrvica.

65. A. Can you tell me four famous pieces of him? B. Do you like dancing to the music?

C. Where will the concert take place? D. When is the concert going to start?

Ⅵ.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题



“We should do something nice for the old people of our town,” the teacher said to her class one day. “What could we do?”

“Can we give them a picnic?”one of the children asked.“We can send out invitations(邀请)and bring cakes and sausages and all kinds of good things to eat.”

“That’s very good idea, ”the teacher said. “We’ll ask all the old people to a picnic by the river.”

The children worked hard getting ready for the picnic. Their parents made cakes and pies or gave money, and the children wrote invitation cards to the old people. Then they took the cards to the old people’s homes.

On the morning of the picnic the sky was blue and the sun was shining. The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day.

Then one of the children said. “Oh! We forgot to invite Mrs. Waller.”

They did not like Mrs. Waller. She looked like a witch (女巫).

“We must invite her how then,” the teacher said. “She will be hurt and angry if we don’t ask her.”

She looked around the class and then pointed at one of the boys.“Tom, take an invitation card to her house. Apologize(道歉)for being late. Don’t tell her we forgot her.”

Tom did not want to go to Mrs. Waller’s house, but he was a brave boy, and said,“All right, Miss Lee.”

He went to the old woman’s house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Waller opened it. She looked very angry.

“Well,” she said, “what is it? What do you want?”

Tom gave her the invitation card and said, “I’m sorry we did not ask you before, but please come to our picnic. It’s a beautiful day.”

Mrs. Waller knew that the children thought she was a witch. She guessed that they had forgotten her.

“You’re too late,” the woman said. “It’s a beautiful day now, but I’ve already arranged for rain this afternoon.”

66.What did the children decide to do?

A.They decided to visit the old witch.

B.They decided to help their teacher.

C.They decided to give a picnic for some old people.

D.They decided to cook cakes and sausage themselves.

67.Where did the children have the picnic?

A.At their school B.At home. C.In the old people’ home. D.By the river.

68.Why didn’t the children invite Mrs. Waller?

A.They did not know where she lived. B.She didn’t like picnics.

C.They were scared of her. D.She was very old.

69.Why did the teacher say they must invite Mrs. Waller?

A.Because she did not want to hurt Mrs. Waller.

B.Because she was frightened of her.

C.Because she wanted to punish the children.

D.Because she liked her.

70.What did Mrs. Waller say she had done when she realized they had forgotten her?

A.She had arranged for it to be a rainy day.

B.She had locked Tom in a closet so that he could not got to the picnic.

C.She had changed the date of the picnic.

D.She had said bad things about the teacher.


Think of all the things you throw away:juice bottles,soda cans,candy covers.It adds up.How much rubbish do you produce? Americans throw away about 1 ton of rubbish per person every year.That's 2000 pounds of rubbish! Most of the rubbish gets covered in big holes in the round called landfills(垃圾掩埋法).

A lot of this rubbish can be recycled,or turned back to something useful.The main things we recycle today are made of metal and paper.

People recycle for many reasons.One of the main reasons is to protect resources(资源).Making new cans out of old ones means less aluminum(铝) is needed for new cans.

This leads to a second reason people recycle:it saves energy.Recycling old aluminum cans take much less energy than making new aluminum.To make new aluminum,you need to mine metal ore(矿石) from the ground,remove it,and refine it,into a finished metal.

Recycling also protects valuable land.By recycling,we produce less rubbish.That means fewer landfills are needed for dropping our rubbish.Because metals are some what costly to make,they are the world's most recycled materials.About two-thirds of all steel(钢) is recycled.

Almost all drink cans are made of aluminum.Americans recycle about one-third of their used aluminum cans.Empty cans are sent to special factories.There,they are cleaned,melted,and made into new pieces of aluminum.

Americans use lots of paper — mostly in the form of newspapers,magazines,and cardboard boxes.In fact,paper takes up more space in landfills than any other material.

Old paper can be cut and made are into new paper.Americans recycle a little more than one-third of their paper rubbish.New papers are made from trees,each ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees!

71. You can most probably read the passage in _______.

A.a science book B.a Chinese book C.a history book D.a geography book

72. Which material isn’t mentioned in the passage?

A. Paper B. Metal C. Wood D. Water

73. Why do people recycle rubbish?

A.To protect resources because it's hard to make new resources.

B.It can save energy,because the resources are limited(有限).

C.To protect valuable land,because there is no place to bury rubbish.

D.To protect resources,save energy and protect valuable land.

74. What does the underlined word “melted” mean in paragraph 6?

A.切割 B.烘干 C.熔化 D.分类

75. The main idea of the passage is _______.

A.To let us know it is a big job to deal with rubbish.

B.To explain the reasons for rubbish recycle.

C.To describe how to recycle metal and paper.

D.To explain how to recycle rubbish and why to do so.


For most of human history, people thought the world was flat. That is, they thought that if you traveled far enough in one direction(方向), you would come to the edge of the world. Then, about two thousand years ago, people started to come up with the idea that the earth was round. This meant that traveling far enough in a straight line, you would eventually come back to where you started.

   It wasn't until the sixteenth century that Ferdinand Magellan's expedition(探险队) became the first to travel around the world. The expedition first sailed west from Portugal(葡萄牙), around South America, across the Pacific, before returning around South Africa back to Portugal. Although Magellan died during the trip, one of his captains, Sebastian del Cano, made it all the way.

  In 1872, the French author Jules Verne published a book called Around the World in 80 Days. The novel was about a man who travels around the world, starting from London, to win a game.

  In 1889, an American reporter, Nellie Bly, was sent by her newspaper to complete the journey taken by the characters(人物) in Verne's book. She traveled around the world, sending reports back to her newspaper about her journey. She finally arrived back home after her trip, taking 72 days, six hours, eleven minutes, and fourteen seconds to go around the world.

  Even though traveling around the world these days is very easy, and can be done in one or two days by plane, people are still interested in breaking records(纪录).

  From 1970 to 1974, an American, Dave Kunst, was the first person to walk all the way around the world. He wore out twenty-one pairs of shoes on his trip! The first airplane flight around the world took place in 1924, completed by Lt. Lowell H. Smith and five other American pilots, and the first solo helicopter (直升飞机0flight around the world was done by an Australian explorer, Dick Smith, in 1982-83.

  As for a nonstop balloon(气球) flight all the way around the world, this wasn't completed until 2002, when Steve Fossett succeeded at last.

76.Who first said that the world was not flat?

A.Ferdinand Magellan B. Nellie Bly

C.Jules Verne D.The passage doesn't say

77. In the sixteenth century___________.

A. Ferdinand Magellan first tried to reach the world's edge

B. it took the first exploring team 80 days to come back to Portugal

C. a captain named Sebastian del Cano traveled around the world

D. the first exploring team had to pass through five countries during the journey

78.Which of these people did Not go on a journey around the world?

A.Lowell H. Smith B. Jules Verne

C. Dick Smith D. Dave Kunst

79. From the passage we know that _______________.

A. an exploring team had been to the edge of the world about 2000 years ago

B. today people can travel around the world in two days by plane if they want to

C. during the first airplane flight around the world only one American succeeded

D. since 1872 ten Americans have traveled around the world according to the passage.

80. Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. Both Jules Verne and Nellie Bly wrote about traveling around the world.

B. About one hundred years ago, a Frenchman traveled around the world in 80 days.

C. It took Dave Kunst more than 5 years to travel around the world on foot.

D. In 2002 an Australian flew all the way around the world by ballooning.



A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次 5分)。

and its museum fun with

Are you planning a family trip? Do you want to go somewhere special? Then welcome to

Teddy Bear Museum. It's a (81) _____________ place for both the young and old. There are lots of teddy bears in the (82) ____________. They are in different clothes made by hand. They are doing different things like singing (83) _____________ dancing. All look nice and cute. Some are as tall as 2 meters. Others are as small as a strawberry. Some can even talk and play games(84) _____________ people. The brown bears are the most popular because people say (85) _____________ color is like that of chocolate. The staff here all dress up as teddy bears. I'm sure you'll spend a great day here.

B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次 5分)。

flight happen kill rise study

Many earthquakes begin under the sea. Earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They.

often happen near the mountains. During the last earthquake, the shakings made rocks (86) ___________ suddenly and even crack open. Houses fell, people (87) ___________ or hurt, and the whole villages and cities were destroyed. Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists earthquakes and made maps that show the "earthquake belts(带). In these areas we (88) ___________ should build strong houses (89) ___________ against earthquakes. In the future, scientists will be able to tell when and where an earthquake (90) ___________

They can also tell people what to do and how to do it.

Ⅷ.改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)

91. The little baby gets dressed at seven。(改为否定句)

The little baby _________ ___________ dressed at seven.

92. Sydney isaway from Jinan. (就划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is Sydney away from Jinan?

93. Do you ride your bike to school?" My cousin asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)

My cousin asked me __________ I __________ my bike to school.

94. It was uncomfortable for me to get on with these people. (改写句子,句意不变)

I _________ _________ a fish out of water among these people.

95. The students solve lots of problems to help themselves grow up. (改写句子,句意不变)

Lots of problems by __________ __________ the students to help themselves grow up.

Ⅸ.完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)


I must _________ _________ how to answer this question.


Pandas ____________ ____________ great danger because of' illness and low birth-rate.


Many young people go there to shop or just ___________ _____________.


Although the American government has decided to prevent their local companies from selling .

chips to ZTE, it confirms our determination to ____________ and develop ___________ ones.


To build Jinan Prior Zone For Replacing Old Growth Drivers with New Ones, the _____________

Business District and the ____________Center For Medical Sciences are the key points.

X.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)

"How are you?" is a nice question. It's a friendly greeting that people in the United States use. 101. __________ It's a question that often doesn't need an answer. The person who asks, “How are you?” expects to hear the answer “Fine,” even if the person isn’t fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an answer 102.__________.They are common ways of saying “hello” or “hi”.

For example, when someone asks “Do you agree?” the other person may be thinking, “No, I don’t. I think you are wrong.” It isn’t polite to disagree very strongly, so he might say, “I am not so sure.”103. _______ __

People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking to other people. For example, many conversations over the phone end when one person says, “I’ve got to go now,” or the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse such as “Someone is at the door,” or “Something is burning on the stove.” 104._________ The person who wants to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but it isn’t polite to say so. An excuse is polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person’s feelings.

Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an opinion, or ending a conversation, people

often don’t say exactly what they are thinking. 105.__________

A. This is a nice way to say that you don’t agree with someone.

B. It’s very good not to tell the truth to our family.

C. However, “How are you?” is also an unusual question.

D. The excuse may be real, or not.

E. Sometimes, people don’t say exactly what they mean.

F. If you disagree with others, they will hate you.

G. This is one way of being nice to people, and it’s a part of the game of language.

101. __________ 102.____________ 103.____________ 104. ____________ 105 ____________

XI .书面表达( 20分)











1-4 B A C A 5-7 D C C


1-5 C C D A B 6-10 C C A B B 11-12 D D

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